3/9 – This Crazy Internet Life

I woke up this morning to 19 tabs open on my computer.


I have tabs for writing ideas, and tabs of half finished drafts.

I have tabs for entries I still want to read, and for ones I’d like to emulate.

I have one on how to edit my blog – there’s something called categories? – that’s been there for a week.

I have a tab to organize my bookmarks; that one will have to wait, although clearly I could use it.


I also have tabs for recipes,

And lesson plans,

And articles I need/want to read.

I have tabs for trip planning: Flights, car rentals, places to sleep…

Summer is just around the corner in bookingland.


Even my tabs have tabs:

Tabs for dreams,

And tabs for love,

And tabs for everything bothering me.

I have metaphorical tabs open that I didn’t even know were there.




I closed the browser window.

One click, and everything cleared away.

Deep breath.

Tomorrow is a new day.


That’s definitely an upside to this crazy internet life.




3/9 – #SOL18

7 Comments Add yours

  1. elsie says:

    I had to laugh at all the tabs you mention. I too, have multiple tabs open (currently 12). I like instant access and don’t want to have to think how do I get there again. I do panic when the computer wants to update and close everything.


  2. Natasha says:

    I love your list of all your tabs! It made me chuckle and also made me think about all the tabs I’d like to open and be able to read about.


  3. This sounds like me! I use tabs as my “checklist” of things to do. But this has to be my most favorite thing about having so many tabs open: the ability to close them all with one click! Then it wipes the screen clean and you can start over again…just as if it was a new day. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great slice! Having too many tabs open gives me anxiety. I’m sure closing that browser window brought some relief!!


  5. ureadiread says:

    Oh, you captured it in a poem, a vertical string of tabs! Yes. My poor computer never rests, always holding open those tabs to possibility and promises often unfulfilled.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “Even my tabs have tabs”–so, so funny and so, so true. This piece works so beautifully as it teases through the literal tabs that are open on your computer and the metaphorical hopes and possibilities represented by the tabs.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. aggiekesler says:

    I can totally relate! My tabs stress out anyone who sees them…like when I project my computer for a meeting and everyone sees it. It’s like I’m airing my dirty laundry. LOL I find that the tabs help me remember things though. Good for you for being able to close them! 🙂


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